All students in all levels (Novice, Level I-V) and categories (A, B, C) will receive a medal, a prize and/or a certificate, according to the national percentile distribution. Each teacher will receive a Results Report that will include students' raw scores, as well as their percentile rankings indicating the performance of an individual student in correlation to national results.
Prizes will be assigned using raw scores and percentiles to guarantee equity, while the amount of the monetary prizes will be determined on the basis of the national results. Medals and monetary prizes will be sent by AATI directly to participating teachers, but the certificates can be downloaded for free from the NIE website and printed. More information will be provided to instructors along with the results of the exam.
All students in all levels (Novice, Level I-V) and categories (A, B, C) will receive a medal, a prize and/or a certificate, according to the national percentile distribution. Each teacher will receive a Results Report that will include students' raw scores, as well as their percentile rankings indicating the performance of an individual student in correlation to national results.
Prizes will be assigned using raw scores and percentiles to guarantee equity, while the amount of the monetary prizes will be determined on the basis of the national results. Medals and monetary prizes will be sent by AATI directly to participating teachers, but the certificates can be downloaded for free from the NIE website and printed. More information will be provided to instructors along with the results of the exam.
Medals is an important way to celebrate our students, especially at the end of the school year. They are offered by the NIE and will be delivered to participating schools (using the teachers' contact) via mail.
Who is eligible to receive medals?
Medals is an important way to celebrate our students, especially at the end of the school year. They are offered by the NIE and will be delivered to participating schools (using the teachers' contact) via mail.
Who is eligible to receive medals?
- All students who rank above the 70th percentile according to the following cut-scores.
Gold medal: 90-100 percentile
Silver medal: 80- 89 percentile
Bronze medal: 70 - 79 percentile
Achievement Certificate: 50- 69 percentile
Participation Certificate: 49 or lower percentile
Silver medal: 80- 89 percentile
Bronze medal: 70 - 79 percentile
Achievement Certificate: 50- 69 percentile
Participation Certificate: 49 or lower percentile
Monetary Prizes
AATI awards students' achievements with a monetary prize to recognize their achievements and celebrate their successes.
Who is eligible to receive the Monetary Prizes?
- The value as well as the score necessary to obtain these prizes varies each year according to the total number of students taking the exam nationwide and the average percentile. Participating teachers will receive a message with the detailed information.
- This year the Società Onoraria Italica will be awarding scholarships of $100 each. The names of the recipients will be communicated to their teachers via email. For more information, check the Società Onoraria Italica's page. Please note that in order to receive those prizes, teachers should be members of the SOI.